
桂 勘 プロフィール

舞踏家・振付家, office PARADIX K. 芸術監督

86年 マルチナショナル舞踏グループ「桂勘&サルタンバンク」結成、インドネシア、タイ、シンガポールでの共同制作プロジェクトを国際交流基金の助成のもとに2001年まで数多く行う。

2001年、エジンバラフリンジフェスティバルにてFIVE STARを獲得。

KATSURA Kan, a native of Kyoto, is a Master Butoh artist from among the ranks of Japan’s senior generation of Butoh. He performed with the seminal Butoh troupe, “白虎社/Byakkosha” 1979-1981 and then researching in Indonesia and Thailand for 20 years. In 2001, Kan started work in Balkan region for the new communication works. He is a celebrated solo and collaborative performer as well as a choreographer. Kan has worked with what he calls “minority dancers” all over the world, in remote locations throughout Africa, Europe, Russia, China, South East Asia, Latina America Continent and North America for the past 40 years, in addition to his creative works in cosmopolitan culture. Currently, he is researching “Beckett BUTOH Notation” in France, and “Oracle & Enigma” as a Dance Oratorio project in Mexico. Kan organized Contemporary Dance Conference in LA in 2011,China Beijing in Sep.2012, Mexico in 2014 funded by Japan Foundation.
Research works of Noh Theatre as the roots of Butoh.
2018 April started 1st Kyoto International Butoh Festival for the sake of Pioneering new horizons for DANCE. 2nd Kyoto International Butoh Festival In 2019 was big success. 3rd will be in 2020.